CRISPRessoWGS Parameters
Amplicon Min Alignment Score
-amas, --amplicon_min_alignment_score
Help: Amplicon Minimum Alignment Score; score between 0 and 100; sequences must have at least this homology score with the amplicon to be aligned (can be comma-separated list of multiple scores, corresponding to amplicon sequences given in --amplicon_seq)
Type: str
Default Minimum Alignment Score
--default_min_aln_score, --min_identity_score
Help: Default minimum homology score for a read to align to a reference amplicon
Type: int
Default: 60
Expand Ambiguous Alignments
Help: If more than one reference amplicon is given, reads that align to multiple reference amplicons will count equally toward each amplicon. Default behavior is to exclude ambiguous alignments.
Type: bool
Default: False
Assign Ambiguous Alignments To First Reference
Help: If more than one reference amplicon is given, ambiguous reads that align with the same score to multiple amplicons will be assigned to the first amplicon. Default behavior is to exclude ambiguous alignments.
Type: bool
Default: False
Guide Seq
-g, --guide_seq, --sgRNA
Help: sgRNA sequence, if more than one, please separate by commas. Note that the sgRNA needs to be input as the guide RNA sequence (usually 20 nt) immediately adjacent to but not including the PAM sequence (5' of NGG for SpCas9). If the PAM is found on the opposite strand with respect to the Amplicon Sequence, ensure the sgRNA sequence is also found on the opposite strand. The CRISPResso convention is to depict the expected cleavage position using the value of the parameter '--quantification_window_center' nucleotides from the 3' end of the guide. In addition, the use of alternate nucleases besides SpCas9 is supported. For example, if using the Cpf1 system, enter the sequence (usually 20 nt) immediately 3' of the PAM sequence and explicitly set the '--cleavage_offset' parameter to 1, since the default setting of -3 is suitable only for SpCas9.
Type: str
Guide Name
-gn, --guide_name
Help: sgRNA names, if more than one, please separate by commas.
Type: str
Flexiguide Seq
-fg, --flexiguide_seq
Help: sgRNA sequence (flexible) (can be comma-separated list of multiple flexiguides). The flexiguide sequence will be aligned to the amplicon sequence(s), as long as the guide sequence has homology as set by --flexiguide_homology.
Type: str
Default: None
Flexiguide Homology
-fh, --flexiguide_homology
Help: flexiguides will yield guides in amplicons with at least this homology to the flexiguide sequence.
Type: int
Default: 80
Flexiguide Name
-fgn, --flexiguide_name
Help: flexiguide name
Type: str
Flexiguide Gap Open Penalty
Type: int
Default: -20
Flexiguide Gap Extend Penalty
Type: int
Default: -2
Discard Guide Positions Overhanging Amplicon Edge
Help: If set, for guides that align to multiple positions, guide positions will be discarded if plotting around those regions would included bp that extend beyond the end of the amplicon.
Type: bool
Default: False
Expected HDR Amplicon Sequence
-e, --expected_hdr_amplicon_seq
Help: Amplicon sequence expected after HDR
Type: str
Exon Specification Coding Sequence/s
-c, --coding_seq
Help: Subsequence/s of the amplicon sequence covering one or more coding sequences for frameshift analysis. If more than one (for example, split by intron/s), please separate by commas.
Type: str
Config File
Help: File path to JSON file with config elements
Type: str
Default: None
Minimum Average Read Quality (phred33 Scale)
-q, --min_average_read_quality
Help: Minimum average quality score (phred33) to keep a read
Type: int
Minimum Single bp Quality (phred33 Scale)
-s, --min_single_bp_quality
Help: Minimum single bp score (phred33) to keep a read
Type: int
Minimum bp Quality or N (phred33 Scale)
Help: Bases with a quality score (phred33) less than this value will be set to 'N'
Type: int
File Prefix
Help: File prefix for output plots and tables
Type: str
Sample Name
-n, --name
Help: Output name of the report (default: the name is obtained from the filename of the fastq file/s used in input)
Type: str
Suppress Amplicon Name Truncation
Help: If set, amplicon names will not be truncated when creating output filename prefixes. If not set, amplicon names longer than 21 characters will be truncated when creating filename prefixes.
Type: bool
Default: False
Output Folder
-o, --output_folder
Help: Output folder to use for the analysis (default: current folder)
Type: str
-v, --verbosity
Help: Verbosity level of output to the console (1-4) 4 is the most verbose
Type: int
Default: 3
Trimming Adapter
Help: Enable the trimming with fastp
Type: bool
Default: False
Trimmomatic Command
Help: DEPRECATED in v2.3.0, use --fastp_command
Type: str
Default: None
Trimmomatic Options String
Help: DEPRECATED in v2.3.0, use --fastp_options_string
Type: str
Flash Command
Help: DEPRECATED in v2.3.0, use --fastp_command
Type: str
Default: None
Fastp Command
Help: Command to run fastp
Type: str
Default: fastp
Fastp Options String
Help: Override options for fastp, e.g. --length_required 70 --umi
Type: str
Min Paired End Reads Overlap
Help: Parameter for the fastp read merging step. Minimum required overlap length between two reads to provide a confident overlap
Type: int
Default: 10
Max Paired End Reads Overlap
Help: DEPRECATED in v2.3.0
Type: str
Default: None
Samtools Exclude Flags
Help: Exclude reads with any of the specified flags set in the SAM/BAM file. Flags can be specified in either base 16 (hex) or base 10. Default is 4 (read unmapped).
Type: str
Default: 4
Stringent Flash Merging
Help: DEPRECATED in v2.3.0
Type: bool
Default: False
Quantification Window Size
-w, --quantification_window_size, --window_around_sgrna
Help: Defines the size (in bp) of the quantification window extending from the position specified by the '--cleavage_offset' or '--quantification_window_center' parameter in relation to the provided guide RNA sequence(s) (--sgRNA). Mutations within this number of bp from the quantification window center are used in classifying reads as modified or unmodified. A value of 0 disables this window and indels in the entire amplicon are considered. Default is 1, 1bp on each side of the cleavage position for a total length of 2bp. Multiple quantification window sizes (corresponding to each guide specified by --guide_seq) can be specified with a comma-separated list.
Type: str
Default: 1
Quantification Window Center
-wc, --quantification_window_center, --cleavage_offset
Help: Center of quantification window to use within respect to the 3' end of the provided sgRNA sequence. Remember that the sgRNA sequence must be entered without the PAM. For cleaving nucleases, this is the predicted cleavage position. The default is -3 and is suitable for the Cas9 system. For alternate nucleases, other cleavage offsets may be appropriate, for example, if using Cpf1 this parameter would be set to 1. For base editors, this could be set to -17 to only include mutations near the 5' end of the sgRNA. Multiple quantification window centers (corresponding to each guide specified by --guide_seq) can be specified with a comma-separated list.
Type: str
Default: -3
Exclude bp From Left
Help: Exclude bp from the left side of the amplicon sequence for the quantification of the indels
Type: int
Default: 15
Exclude bp From Right
Help: Exclude bp from the right side of the amplicon sequence for the quantification of the indels
Type: int
Default: 15
Use Legacy Insertion Quantification
Help: If set, the legacy insertion quantification method will be used (i.e. with a 1bp quantification window, indels at the cut site and 1bp away from the cut site would be quantified). By default (if this parameter is not set) with a 1bp quantification window, only insertions at the cut site will be quantified.
Type: bool
Default: False
Ignore Substitutions
Help: Ignore substitutions events for the quantification and visualization
Type: bool
Default: False
Ignore Insertions
Help: Ignore insertions events for the quantification and visualization
Type: bool
Default: False
Ignore Deletions
Help: Ignore deletions events for the quantification and visualization
Type: bool
Default: False
Discard Indel Reads
Help: Discard reads with indels in the quantification window from analysis
Type: bool
Default: False
Needleman Wunsch Gap Open
Help: Gap open option for Needleman-Wunsch alignment
Type: int
Default: -20
Needleman Wunsch Gap Extend
Help: Gap extend option for Needleman-Wunsch alignment
Type: int
Default: -2
Needleman Wunsch Gap Incentive
Help: Gap incentive value for inserting indels at cut sites
Type: int
Default: 1
Needleman Wunsch Alignment Matrix Location
Help: Location of the matrix specifying substitution scores in the NCBI format (see
Type: str
Plot Histogram Outliers
Help: If set, all values will be shown on histograms. By default (if unset), histogram ranges are limited to plotting data within the 99 percentile.
Type: bool
Default: False
Plot Window Size
--plot_window_size, --offset_around_cut_to_plot
Help: Defines the size of the window extending from the quantification window center to plot. Nucleotides within plot_window_size of the quantification_window_center for each guide are plotted.
Type: int
Default: 20
Min Frequency Alleles Around Cut To Plot
Help: Minimum % reads required to report an allele in the alleles table plot.
Type: float
Default: 0.2
Expand Allele Plots By Quantification
Help: If set, alleles with different modifications in the quantification window (but not necessarily in the plotting window (e.g. for another sgRNA)) are plotted on separate lines, even though they may have the same apparent sequence. To force the allele plot and the allele table to be the same, set this parameter. If unset, all alleles with the same sequence will be collapsed into one row.
Type: bool
Default: False
Allele Plot Percentages Only for Assigned Reference
Help: If set, in the allele plots, the percentages will show the percentage as a percent of reads aligned to the assigned reference. Default behavior is to show percentage as a percent of all reads.
Type: bool
Default: False
Quantification Window Coordinates
-qwc, --quantification_window_coordinates
Help: Bp positions in the amplicon sequence specifying the quantification window. This parameter overrides values of the '--quantification_window_center', '--cleavage_offset', '--window_around_sgrna' or '--window_around_sgrna' values. Any indels/substitutions outside this window are excluded. Indexes are 0-based, meaning that the first nucleotide is position 0. Ranges are separted by the dash sign (e.g. 'start-stop'), and multiple ranges can be separated by the underscore (_) (can be comma-separated list of values, corresponding to amplicon sequences given in --amplicon_seq e.g. 5-10,5-10_20-30 would specify the 6th-11th bp in the first reference and the 6th-11th and 21st-31st bp in the second reference). A value of 0 disables this filter for a particular amplicon (e.g. 0,90-110 This would disable the quantification window for the first amplicon and specify the quantification window of 90-110 for the second).Note that if there are multiple amplicons provided, and only one quantification window coordinate is provided, the same quantification window will be used for all amplicons and be adjusted to account for insertions/deletions.(default: None)
Type: str
Annotate Wildtype Allele
Help: Wildtype alleles in the allele table plots will be marked with this string (e.g. **).
Type: str
Keep Intermediate
Help: Keep all the intermediate files
Type: bool
Default: False
Help: Dump numpy arrays and pandas dataframes to file for debugging purposes
Type: bool
Default: False
Write Detailed Allele Table
Help: If set, a detailed allele table will be written with the following columns:
- #Reads: the number of reads this allele represents.
- Aligned_Sequence: the alignment of the read sequence.
- Reference_Sequence: the alignment of the amplicon sequence.
- n_inserted: the number of insertions within the quantification window.
- n_deleted: the number of deletions within the quantification window.
- n_mutated: the number of substitutions within the quantification window.
- Reference_Name: the amplicon name to which this allele is assigned.
- Read_Status: the bin to which this allele is classified.
- Aligned_Reference_Names: if there are multiple amplicons, this lists the amplicon names. The order corresponds to the alignment scores in Aligned_Reference_Scores.
- Aligned_Reference_Scores: the alignment score (out of 100) for each amplicon.
- ref_positions: this represents the indices in the Aligned_Sequence that map back to the original sequence. Negative values represent places that don't map back to the original reference.
- all_insertion_positions: all of the indices where there is an insertion regardless of the quantification window.
- all_insertion_left_positions: for all insertions, the left most index (e.g. where each insertion starts).
- insertion_positions: the insertion positions within the quantification window.
- insertion_coordinates: the start and end indices of the insertions within the quantificaiton window.
- insertion_sizes: the size of each insertion within the quantification window.
- all_deletion_positions: all of the indices where there is a deletion regardless of the quantification window.
- deletion_positions: the indices where there is a deletion within the quantification window.
- deletion_coordinates: the start and end indices of the deletions within the quantification window.
- deletion_sizes: the size of the deletions within the quantification window.
- all_substitution_positions: all of the indices where there is a substitution.
- substitution_positions: the indices where there is a substitution within the quantification window.
- substitution_values: the nucleotide to which it is substituted within the quantification window.
- %Reads: the percentage of read this allele represents.
Type: bool
Default: False
Fastq Output
Help: If set, a fastq file with annotations for each read will be produced.
Type: bool
Default: False
Bam Output
Help: If set, a bam file with alignments for each read will be produced.
Type: bool
Default: False
Bowtie2 Index
-x, --bowtie2_index
Help: Basename of Bowtie2 index for the reference genome
Type: str
Zip Output
Help: If set, the output will be placed in a zip folder.
Type: bool
Default: False
Max Rows Alleles Around Cut To Plot
Help: Maximum number of rows to report in the alleles table plot.
Type: int
Default: 50
Suppress Report
Help: Suppress output report
Type: bool
Default: False
Place Report In Output Folder
Help: If true, report will be written inside the CRISPResso output folder. By default, the report will be written one directory up from the report output.
Type: bool
Default: False
Suppress Plots
Help: Suppress output plots
Type: bool
Default: False
Base Editor Output
Help: Outputs plots and tables to aid in analysis of base editor studies.
Type: bool
Default: False
Conversion Nuc From
Help: For base editor plots, this is the nucleotide targeted by the base editor
Type: str
Default: C
Conversion Nuc To
Help: For base editor plots, this is the nucleotide produced by the base editor
Type: str
Default: T
Prime Editing Spacer Sequence
Help: pegRNA spacer sgRNA sequence used in prime editing. The spacer should not include the PAM sequence. The sequence should be given in the RNA 5'->3' order, so for Cas9, the PAM would be on the right side of the given sequence.
Type: str
Prime Editing Extension Sequence
Help: Extension sequence used in prime editing. The sequence should be given in the RNA 5'->3' order, such that the sequence starts with the RT template including the edit, followed by the Primer-binding site (PBS).
Type: str
Prime Editing pegRNA Extension Quantification Window Size
Help: Quantification window size (in bp) at flap site for measuring modifications anchored at the right side of the extension sequence. Similar to the --quantification_window parameter, the total length of the quantification window will be 2x this parameter. Default: 5bp (10bp total window size)
Type: int
Default: 5
Prime Editing pegRNA Scaffold Sequence
Help: If given, reads containing any of this scaffold sequence before extension sequence (provided by --prime_editing_extension_seq) will be classified as 'Scaffold-incorporated'. The sequence should be given in the 5'->3' order such that the RT template directly follows this sequence. A common value is 'GGCACCGAGUCGGUGC'.
Type: str
Prime Editing pegRNA Scaffold Min Match Length
Help: Minimum number of bases matching scaffold sequence for the read to be counted as 'Scaffold-incorporated'. If the scaffold sequence matches the reference sequence at the incorporation site, the minimum number of bases to match will be minimally increased (beyond this parameter) to disambiguate between prime-edited and scaffold-incorporated sequences.
Type: int
Default: 1
Prime Editing Nicking Guide Sequence
Help: Nicking sgRNA sequence used in prime editing. The sgRNA should not include the PAM sequence. The sequence should be given in the RNA 5'->3' order, so for Cas9, the PAM would be on the right side of the sequence
Type: str
Prime Editing Override Prime Edited Reference Sequence
Help: If given, this sequence will be used as the prime-edited reference sequence. This may be useful if the prime-edited reference sequence has large indels or the algorithm cannot otherwise infer the correct reference sequence.
Type: str
Prime Editing Override Sequence Checks
Help: If set, checks to assert that the prime editing guides and extension sequence are in the proper orientation are not performed. This may be useful if the checks are failing inappropriately, but the user is confident that the sequences are correct.
Type: bool
Default: False
CRISPResso 1 Mode
Help: Parameter usage as in CRISPResso 1
Type: bool
Default: False
Help: Label reads with the dsODN sequence provided
Type: str
Help: Infer amplicon sequence from most common reads
Type: bool
Default: False
Help: Show debug messages
Type: bool
Default: False
No Rerun
Help: Don't rerun CRISPResso2 if a run using the same parameters has already been finished.
Type: bool
Default: False
Number of Processes
-p, --n_processes
Help: Specify the number of processes to use for analysis. Please use with caution since increasing this parameter will significantly increase the memory required to run CRISPResso. Can be set to 'max'.
Type: str
Default: 1
Skip Failed
Help: Continue with batch analysis even if one sample fails
Type: bool
Default: False
CRISPResso Command
Help: CRISPResso command to call
Type: str
Default: CRISPResso
Gene Annotations
Help: Gene Annotation Table from UCSC Genome Browser Tables (, please select as table 'knownGene', as output format 'all fields from selected table' and as file returned 'gzip compressed'
Type: str
Bam File
-b, --bam_file
Help: WGS aligned bam file
Type: str
Default: bam filename
Region File
-f, --region_file
Help: Regions description file. A BED format file containing the regions to analyze, one per line. The REQUIRED columns are:
- chr_id (chromosome name)
- bpstart (start position)
- bpend (end position)
The optional columns are:
- name (an unique indentifier for the region)
- guide_seq
- expected_hdr_amplicon_seq
- coding_seq See CRISPResso --help for more details on these last 3 parameters
Type: str
Reference File
-r, --reference_file
Help: A FASTA format reference file (for example hg19.fa for the human genome)
Type: str
Minimum Reads to Use Region
Help: Minimum number of reads that align to a region to perform the CRISPResso analysis for WGS
Type: float
Default: 10
Disable Guardrails
Help: Disable guardrail warnings
Type: bool
Default: False
Use Matplotlib
Help: Use matplotlib for plotting instead of plotly/d3 when CRISPRessoPro is installed
Type: bool
Default: False
Halt On Plot Fail
Help: Halt execution if a plot fails to generate
Type: bool
Default: False